17 weeks= a turnip!
The little grublet weighs 5 ounces now and is around 5 inches long, approximately the size of a turnip. Last week it was an avocado. I love how we classify our fetuses by the food item they represent! I wonder if it is a holdover from our cannibalistic days...
He or she can move its joints, and its skeleton — until now rubbery cartilage — is starting to harden to bone.
Mom and Dad are holding up pretty well, surrounded by a loving community in Boulder and far-off friends and family, reassuring us that we are indeed, going to be juuuuust fine.
(If any of you are admiring my fine fashion sense, I should let you know that I am rocking the fab designs of my dear friend Nicacelly (nicacelly.com) ....her yummy dresses are doing double duty as sexy prego gear!)
Nice, Turnip. Name
You look incredible
Erin, Jamba, Oslo and Sava,
Crips, what happened to Sophie? To Soren? To Igor? I sincerely hope the little turnip comes out with a name tag. Meanwhile we'll try to get used to Oslo and Sava. Oslo nice with respect to the little buggers surely Norwegian heritage. Sava definitely an original, just like you guys.
Love the blog, love you both and little one, too.
PS You do look great and can hardly wait to see you both in person. Jamba, I want to see your photo here, too. Proud papa pats persimmon.
Was Igor in the running? I hardly recall.
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