Wednesday, July 9, 2008

31 weeks

A long awaited update.....

We are at 31 weeks this Friday (that is 7 months and 3 weeks for those of you not accustomed to thinking in terms of weeks) and everything is going really well. Sava Talulah is growing and kicking inside her mama like a right smart growing bean (around 16" long and 3.3 lbs) and I continue to feel absurdly healthy in this pregnancy (my only complaints have been a general weakness and exhaustion- but that has been getting better this last week since I have been hiking more, and eating more iron, and thus getting more sleep at night). Jamba is thankfully home from spending 6 weeks in Switzerland and Amsterdam for his PhD program in Philosophy and Media Studies at the European Graduate School (he had a transformative experience and is definitely in the right program for his interests and passions) and since his return, has taken over the job of maintaining our garden. It has flourished under his loving care, and I have been enjoying the break by luxuriating in our cool-ish house and being lazy.
While he was gone, Sava and I took a little trip out to the Bay Area at the end of May and had the most incredible Blessing Way Ceremony, thrown by dear friends Jeremy and Sarah, at Jeremy's sweet house in Vallejo. I see it as the beginning of a most auspicious and sacred life for little Sava, who got an incredible start by being surrounded by a circle of the most powerful and loving females, all feeding her lots of love.

See pix at:

Hope you are all well!


celestual July 18, 2008 at 9:10 AM  

Erin - I am so excited to hear that you are progressing along in healthy manner and that life is full of beauty. I send my love and hope to see you and Jamba soon! If you ever need anything - let me know - Denver isn't too far away :)
xo - celeste

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