Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have been selling a bunch of your old baby stuff on craigslist lately, and so there have been mountains of your old toys on the living room floor for people to come check out. This has engendered some really cute moments of regression. This woman was checking out your exersaucer (ahh, I have to admit I was a little sad to see that one go- but you had a cute short last voyage in it, and got to say goodbye to all the little people living on its rim. I mean it- you actually walked around and said goodbye to each one, and gave each a little kiss). Anyway, she was rummaging and you were helping you were pulling out all these clothes out of a box to show her with much chattering and ooohing and then you found a tiny little shirt and some cherry underpants and walked over and absolutely insisted that I take off your current outfit to put them on. The shirt was for 9 months old and it made no attempt to even cover your belly, but you were so happy to have it on and kept rubbing your chest happily. Then you went over to the jumperoo and jumped crazily and wildly for a half-hour (we pulled it out of deep storage the other day to sell, but you have been so fantastically happy to bounce in it I have decided to keep it for a bit longer).

The other day you found an old binky and you walked around the entire day sucking happily on it, even though you had never been much attached to it before (or any blankie or dolly, for that matter).  You took the binky out of your mouth only to press it against the mouth of your little toy horse and your little toy puppy, so that they could have a suckle as well. I was laughing and crooned, "Awww, are you my little baby? Does my little baby want to be rocked?" You smiled and so I picked you up in my arms and rocked you like a little baby, as you closed your eyes dreamily and sucked away.



mom and dad March 14, 2010 at 10:27 AM  

That is the sweetest.

Love and bouncy hugs,
Mom (gramma)

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