Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15th- D- Day!!!

fficially September 15th is our estimated due date which means Sava could pop out at any time.... and we are all ready- baby clothes washed and sealed away, tarp and receiving blankets safely stowed, toys dangling, Nico schooled on the requirements of big sisterhood, and Grandma and Grandpa Donnelly zooming along the back roads of Utah on their way to Colorado.

We know we’re getting close because now both of us have pregnancy brain. Pregnancy brain is the state of mind in which one forgets how to do common tasks like closing the car door after parking, adding bleach to mixed loads, and…um…

For the last week we’ve been in the other-worldly zone. Our glassware and bowls have suddenly vanished from the cupboards but neither of us knows where they might be or what could have happened, and tonight, the night of our due date, we returned home and began furiously cleaning and rearranging the house. It seemed evident that we might just have Sava tonight when, at the end of the multi-hour cleaning and raking session Erin began removing the window treatments and hardware from our new French doors with the electric screwdriver, complaining fiercely about the holes being left behind and what we might possible do to patch them.

This is a time of boundless energy and the deepest exhaustion. But mostly, as things are wrapping up at work and the house is scrubbed and filled with the most delicious welcoming presents from our friends and family (thank you all!!), we are filled with just this wonderful sense of quiet, anticipatory joy. Poised at the precipice of some grand narrative event that is about to unfold - with only the vaguest general idea of how things might go. The details, in all their exquisite and sense-laden precision, well- those are to come. We will attempt to describe them to you to the best of our abilities, once we are on the other side with a wiggling little grublet in our arms. With a- how did somebody put it? "a perfectly unfolded, 10 fingered flower". We can't wait.

Thank you all, we love you!
Erin and Jamba

Oh, by the way, for those of you who have been asking or wondering what to get for us - we are really well supplied with all things except diapers... we are going the Bum Genius (one size fits all) route and so far we have four out of the 26 or so we will need. A diaper would be a wonderful and practical gift and we would love you forever! (and think of you each time we changed her).

Our address is:
PO Box 1152 Erie CO 80516


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