Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh tay!

Dear Sweetie,

As I've said many times before, it's hard to keep up with blogging when all we want to do is spend time with you. So this is a quick post while you shout my name from your bedroom ("Jamba" "Daddy" "Jamba Daddy" etc. etc.).

You've started saying "Oh-tay" for okay and "Huh?" for what or who. But your level of language has improved all around, and your coordination and excitement levels have also skyrocketed. Tonight you ran around and around the house screaming and squealing with delight because Nico was trying to give you kisses. After this you belly danced with mommy and me in the living room, ate a big dinner, and the moved upstairs to play with your trains.

When I arrived you let me play with the trains but then said condescendingly (and quite adorably), "Oh. Good daddy. Good job." I said thanks. "Oh tay Daddy?" you said and kissed me on the head several times. To keep from laughing I kept playing with the train on the floor. "Good job, daddy. Yea!"

After this you tried walking very carefully between two small wooden trees the train is meant to pass through. We kept moving them closer and closer, and each time you very carefully walked between them. Then I added more items so that you had a narrow gauntlet to pass through. It became quite incredible watching you slow down at the end. Then you began breathing deeply and putting your hands together the way you've seen me do it when I'm practicing yoga. You would breathe deeply and then carefully walk keeping your feet together and pass between two rows of about 5 trees and several train cars. Each time we'd shout with excitement and parade you around the room.

"Did it!" you'd say.
"Yes you did. You did it."
"Yeah. Did it. Again?"

It was so cute and amazing your mother and I kept looking at each other in amazement not only at your ability to walk the gauntlet, but also your dedication and concentration.

Now I'm in the bedroom watching Down By Law with your mother. You're in your crib drinking milk, saying our names, and basically still excited about your success.

I love you.



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